In a galaxy known as the “Sometime, Somewhere” sits a cluster of wild stars known as Omega Star 7. These are the tales of the crews who dare to call this place home. Sardonic, self aware, and a little bit silly.

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Out of the Frying Pan and into the burning hot desert wasteland of Exodus; Slip and Cala mount a daring rescue to save Trae from a Group of bandits led by the Enigmatic Pollussian… 


Main Cast

Skyler Giordano  Slip / Fetch Allen / Zandt / Various Bandits 

James Hart – Trae / The Pollussian 

Luna Orr – Cala Mastros / Various Bandits

Graham Capobiano  Badger / Wilhelm / Slayde / Various Bandits

Steve Vance  Dirk / Various Bandits

Krissi Williams – Moxie Rebelle


Production Notes

Music written by Skyler Giordano

Ambience and SFX were either created by Skyler Giordano or from Epidemic Sound under the use of Proper Licensing


Special Thanks

– As Always, we would like to thank our friend Riley Stekervetz for listening to this episode and helping us get it to the highest quality possible.


you can find our Guests’ shows below;

Danger Dames


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