On the war-ravaged planet Halcyon, where the toxic overworld forces inhabitants into underground havens, survival depends on the enigmatic BLADEs (Bipedal Lethal Assault and Defense Engine)—bipedal war machines repurposed as vital courier vessels. Enter Warren Shanks, a seasoned Bladesman on a mission to deliver an enigmatic package across the deadliest stretch of Halcyon. However, an unexpected stowaway and a relentless pursuit from his haunting past thrust Warren into a treacherous journey far beyond his expectations. As secrets unravel and danger escalates, Warren must navigate a volatile landscape where the fate of Halcyon hangs in the balance, turning a routine assignment into a pulse-pounding struggle for redemption, discovery, and the ultimate fight for survival.
Main Cast
In Order of Appearance
Warren Shanks – Skyler Giordano
Paul – Seth Easterling-Babin
Zeke – James Hart
Lumper Service – DT Carrel
Lav – Angela Yih
One-Eyed Billiam – David Kurze
The Stranger – Graham Capobianco
Jed McMurphy – Jordan WB Anderson
Bobby Joe McMurphy – Mikey Campbell
Angus McMurphy – Kier Zhou
Scarlet – Krissi Williams
William “Billy Craters” Creighton – Chris Bauso
Tim – Skyler Giordano
Bim – James Hart
Jericho – James Hart
The Contact – Mikey Campbell
Production Notes
Directed by : Skyler Giordano
Written by : Skyler Giordano and Team Omega Star
Pre-Production Assembly : James Hart
Editing, Sound Design, and Music : Skyler Giordano
Music, SFX, and Ambience was written and created by Skyler Giordano
Additional Ambience, and SFX were sourced from Epidemic Sound under the use of Proper Licensing
Special Thanks
– Everyone who made this show something special. This production did not come from a single mind. Many hands came together to create this show, and we owe each one our thanks.
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