Slip and Trae are left to their own Devices when Sol enters his habitual hibernation…
Main Cast
Skyler Giordano – Slip / Overseer / Han Pandler
James Hart – Trae / Thorg / Spanks Starblinder
Kier Zhou – Vax Arden
Krissi Williams – Moxie Rebelle
Sarah Penn – Mother
Josh Leet – Father
Cameo/Collaborator Cast
“The Solar Storm and the CineGalaticaCon” was written, performed, and produced by Podcast Switch the Envelope
Production Notes
Music written by Skyler Giordano
Ambience and SFX were either created by Skyler Giordano or from Epidemic Sound under the use of Proper Licensing
Special Thanks
– As Always, we would like to thank our friend Riley Stekervetz for listening to this episode and helping us get it to the highest quality possible.
– A Special Thanks to the Collaborators and Cameo Guest Stars, who took the time to make these episodes something special to remember.
you can find our Guests’ shows below;
Tales of Sada Emedu | Danger Dames | Mindless Morning Show | Rapture 518
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