In a galaxy known as the “Sometime, Somewhere” sits a cluster of wild stars known as Omega Star 7. These are the tales of the crews who dare to call this place home. Sardonic, self aware, and a little bit silly.

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Moxie faces her greatest enemy.


Main Cast 

In Order of Appearance

Chris Bauso – Zoots Mackenzie

Krissi Williams – Moxie / Proxie / Wander

Skyler Giordano – Dyl Boblin / Slip 

James Hart Bobbi Fern / The Intern / Trae

Graham Capobianco – Slayde / Badger

Luna Orr – Cala Mastros

Apollo Williams – Cora Mastros

Joseph Surabian – Sol

W. Keith Tims – “Not” Kaziban Cyros


Production Notes

Directed by : Skyler Giordano
Written by : Skyler Giordano, James Hart, Krissi Williams, and Graham Capobianco. 

Editing and Assembly : Krissi Williams

Editing, Sound Design, and Music : Skyler Giordano

Additional Sound Design, Post Production, Mixing, and Mastering : Graham Capobianco

Music, SFX, and Ambience was written and created by Skyler Giordano

Additional Ambience, and SFX were sourced from Epidemic Sound, Pixabay, and Fesliyan Studios under the use of Proper Licensing


Special Thanks

– As Always, we would like to thank our friend Riley Stekervetz for listening to this episode and helping us get it to the highest quality possible.

 A Special thanks W. Keith Tims from AlienGhostRobot for being part of this episode.


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