In a galaxy known as the “Sometime, Somewhere” sits a cluster of wild stars known as Omega Star 7. These are the tales of the crews who dare to call this place home. Sardonic, self aware, and a little bit silly.

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Years before the Fall of the Cartel, a crew is assembled by research and development company AstroTechnica. They are sent beyond the Veil to investigate a derelict station that is believed to have once been home to ancient species known as The Cartographers.

Main Cast 

Cap – Krissi Williams

Gunslinger – James Hart

Corpo – Maddie Girouard

FlyBoy – Gabriel B.

DOC – Chris Bauso

Bolts – Kat Bock

Dexter – Jordan W.B. Anderson

Graves – Chris Bauso

Four Eyes – Sophie Remram

Barret – DT Carrel

Zander – Kier Zhou

Keyne – Skyler Giordano


Production Notes

Directed by : Skyler Giordano
Written by : Skyler Giordano, James Hart, and Krissi Williams

Editing and Assembly : Krissi Williams

Editing, Sound Design, and Music : Skyler Giordano

Music, SFX, and Ambience was written and created by Skyler Giordano

Additional Ambience, and SFX were sourced from Epidemic Sound under the use of Proper Licensing


Special Thanks

– Everyone who made this show something special. This production did not come from a single mind. Many hands came together to create this show, and we owe each one our thanks.

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