In a galaxy known as the “Sometime, Somewhere” sits a cluster of wild stars known as Omega Star 7. These are the tales of the crews who dare to call this place home. Sardonic, self aware, and a little bit silly.

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[TFTSS] – A Star Fell on Zenith

[TFTSS] – A Star Fell on Zenith

Orin Shade, a detective for the Zenith PD tracks down the culprit behind a string a gruesome murders; but has he bitten off more than he can chew?

[TFTSS] – A Star Fell on Zenith


In the Seven Systems, fine dining megacorporation “O’Hooley’s House of Good Eats” cuts the cost of labor through the use of bioengineered bartenders known as Patches.

[TFTSS] – A Star Fell on Zenith

[TFTSS] Shelf Life

Captain Tev Ryker is a reclaimer; a salvager exploring the rift in search of things to bring back for money. Together with his only company, an Artificially intelligent Droid named ED-D they find something that may be a little above his pay grade.

[TFTSS] – A Star Fell on Zenith

[TFTSS] We’re the Parsexxx, Baby!

Bobbi Fern and Dyl Boblin; otherwise known as The Parsexxx are forced to finish their magnum opus, Interstellia. However, it seems that the mean streets of Zenith have a different calling for these two Prolific Rockstars…