The Crew of the Outlander gets stuck on an Asteroid. Slip tells stories of his days as a racer while Trae is forced to fix the ship alone… or so he thinks…
Slip – Skyler Giordano
Sol – Joseph Surabian
Trae / Scraw – James Hart
Kaziban Cyros / The Prospector – Alexander McPeak
Production Notes
Music written by Skyler Giordano with *additional music from Paul Dennis
Ambience and SFX were either created by Skyler Giordano or taken from attribution free sources
*Additional Music during Trae’s Escape was written, engineered, and Produced by Paul Dennis.
Special Thanks
We would like to thank our friend Riley Stekervetz for listening to this episode and helping us get it to the highest quality possible.
Footnotes, References, and FAQs:
– The Race Detailed by Slip is the same race Detailed by Sqeeks in Episode One of Season 0.
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