Moxie hunts down an old friend.
Main Cast
in order of Appearance
Krissi Williams – Moxie Rebelle
Kier Hodgson – Vax Arden
DT Carrel (Space Castle) – John
Skyler Giordano – Slip / Boomer / JER-3
James Hart – Trae / Schyan
Luna Orr – Cala Mastros
Graham Capobianco– K1LL3R
Ty (Phantom Jukebox) – The Reverend
Production Notes
All Music was written and Performed by Skyler Giordano
Ambience, and SFX were sourced from Epidemic Sound under the use of Proper Licensing
Special Thanks
– As Always, we would like to thank our friend Riley Stekervetz for listening to this episode and helping us get it to the highest quality possible.
– Thanks Krissi for naming the Episode.